Thursday, June 12, 2008


各位久等的朋友们..真的不好意思,一直都没有实现我的诺言-更新我的部落格..{sorry,i'm not an active blogger,hehe..}
其实最近的心情都蛮低落的,所以也想不到要写些什么来分享的..一个接一个的消息把我的情绪拉得很低..心就好像伤到没知觉似的..到外国留学的梦已经彻底地破碎了,当我想让自己娱乐一下,好忘掉那些不开心的事情时,中提琴的考试又逼近了..只好快马加鞭,勤练了..前几年都考过类似的考试,可是这次的考试让我感觉很不踏实,可能准备不够的关系吧,很希望不要连这个考试都要面临失败,我已经没有勇气再去承受了..近来,皮肤病也越来越严重,扩散到整身都是,医生也拿我没办法,写信让我到医院去看专科..其实都不会去埋怨为什么这个问题越来越严重,可是痒的滋味真的很难受,相信有皮肤病的人都会感同身受..要告诉自己不能搔它,否则会更糟糕..而这个情况却不能应用在晚上睡觉时,因为当时无法控制自己很自然的反应,所以睡觉前都会穿长袖衣,袜子之类的,总之不要有机会直接接触到皮肤的就可以了..有时伤口还会留痕迹在衣服上..所以有的时候就会想甘愿不要睡,哪怕入眠后又会残忍地抓伤自己..这也是我没睡好的主因..唉..写了这么多没什么特别目的,只是纯粹想告知好久不见的朋友我的近况..听起来不是很好吧..哈哈..不过过了我的考试以后,一切都应该不错了..算了吧..虽然我的愿望破碎了..就当作是另一段旅程的开始吧..只能这样想了..还好有家人与朋友的陪伴,让我不会感到孤单..谢谢你们! 衷心祝福你们,请务必要好好照顾自己,祝你们早日达成自己的梦想,不要忘了有我100%的支持!


漆黑之月 said...

Skin disease's over for me. know who i curb the itchiness? whack the itchy spot.hard and red. then it will go away. Be patient.Mine took more than 10 years to go away. ^^ practise hard for ur viola exam.Then we go YC!! long live YQ!Be optimistic. After STPM still gt chance to go overseas de!

空气 said...

haha..thanx ya jyo..i used to use that way's working!haha..k..i'll work hard for both viola exam and my future..thanx for the support..hope to c u soon ^^

Amigos Para Siempre said...

Thanks a lot.I forgive you for being busy during the mean time,but after your viola exam ,do online (but dont always la,haha) and post something,so that i can know what r u doing.Haha.
And there ll be a gathering before i leave,do attend ,my dear.Keep in touch always.Brave up yourselves,fear not and you can do it.Well,at least i ll be there for you if you ever need me.^^Cheers!!

greenie said...

Dair 帮你加油好吗? 希望喝了鸡汤后你能够好起来,想你哦~

空气 said...

JH : i will on9 and post something after my exam de.hehe.and i'm sure i'll attend the farewell.keep in touch.thanx for the support.appreciate it much.c u soon.take care =) cheers!

XUAN : never mind.soon i'll be alright de.c ya.miss you too ^^

Charles, Kevin, Yon, Chew said...


Anonymous said...

gambate o ~~
there is always a better solution although we missed the 1st one...
just onli we think that the 1st choice is always the best...

gambate la...
im sure u can pass ur exam..
be more confident..
